Saturday, July 12, 2014

Pratz The Brat and Random Rants- How not to be late and feel great!!!!

Namasate! Bratsters how ya doing? This blog is for all those people who can't get into the swing of the day till 10 in the morning. Whether you to school, work or just stay at home you can't afford to be late. Being late one to many times can give people a bad impression in front of others and might make you miss some important moments in life. So here is a rant to help you not be late and feel great.

Before you sleep:

1.Organise what you need:  Remember that oh-so homework you worked on and forgot , or that pendrive that had your presentation and you forgot. Doesn't feel good when that happens right? Ya i know that feeling too. So what can you do? get organised. Pack that homework, files, pen drives whatever you need it into your bag, as soon as you're done with your work. It not only saves time but also makes sure your hard work doesn't go in vain. I also personally pick out clothes for tomorrow, so that i can get ready faster even if i'm up late.


2.Post it :  Ok so we've covered up for things what we've did but what about things we have to do tomorrow ? So simple post-it. Yup simple as that , post-it , put reminders, alarms or calendar. Invest in a dairy or just download apps that have alarms and remind you what you've got to do. Just remember to enter it before hand.At;east a night before.

3.Eat soon and Sleep Early: This a crucial point which all of us ignore day after day. The best way to be healthy and feel great in the morning. Eat before 9 and eat less than you did in the morning.Eat healthy, Because it is believed that your digestion gets slower at night. Sleep early, if your a kid or teen get 8 hours , if you're an adult then 6 hours. The earlier you sleep the better you feel.

In the Morning:

4.Take a bath: Since your bright and early , take care of your personal hygiene.Take a shower, brush your eat and get ready. Take atleast a good 45 mins of it . It not only leaves refreshed but also increases your productivity at what you do.

5.Have Breakfast:  If you skip the most important meal of the day, how will  you feel great, have energy and be productive? So sit down and eat your breakfast and have a healthy breakfast. Eat slowly so that your stomach can digest it.

6.45,30,15 mins rule: My all time favourite and effective rule. I know this one by heart and hasn't failed me yet. It's simple take the route you're on judge the distance and the time, and if you're dropping someone off then calculate that distance and time too.Now that you an approximate right? Now just decide If your gonna leave 45,30 or 15 mins early.
So, that's it Bratsters my way of not being and feeling great. Hope it helps. Well have something you want me to rant about leave me a comment or just follow me and tell me cause i love being a brat who rants. Till then keep being a brat.

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