Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Ickster Vickster Who's your puppster? 6 Pups for the Kids!

Hey there! Puppsters remember last week on 12 adorable apartment pups? Well this one is for all those kiddies and parents out there. People think pups and kids are hard to handle, but boy can they be wrong! Dogs and kids get along with each other just fine and especially when playtime is every time.

Pets of any kind can teach kids responsibility, patience,compassion and socialization.If your kid is shy to speak in front of others then a listening dog can help him overcome this, if he/she is an only child or isn't great at making friends then a good puppster can help kill the loneliness. And best of all, puppsters can kids talking the pup is a brilliant conversation starter and the kid would start sharing with you.

So, now that I told why you should have puppsters for kids here are 6 awesome Puppsters that would be great for kids and the home too.

  1. Beagles: This Underdog was originally meant to be a hunting dogs but they are even better kid puppsters! Its very demeanor is cheerful. Its active friendly and loyal. This puppster needs a medium amount of maintenance , but they are great that maintaining  the kids.
  2. Collie: Lassies are all round kid Puppsters! They are mild mannered, gentle, predictable and easily trainable. They are protective puppsters and a little high maintenance.
  3. Irish Setter: These active puppsters are great for your hyperactive kids! They are playful and needs loads of exercise, they are energetic , smart and easily trainable.
  4. Labrador Retriever: These puppsters are common for a reason, they are playful,protective,patient and reliable. These loving and intelligent puppsters are really good with kids and can play anytime.
  5. Gold Retriever: These puppsters are not to aggressive and not too timid. These adorable puppsters are patient, needs loads of exercise and loves to play.Who knows he might be good as Airbud at baseball.
  6. Beauceron: These herding puppsters are great for herding up your kids. These puppsters are easy to train, loving, loyal and protective. A little attention is needed if the herding nature starts getting a little too out of hand.
 So, there you have it puppsters, six awesome playful puppsters for your cute playful kids. Don't have kids but the elderly at home or are you an elderly person looking for a kind-hearted companion? catch up with the next Ickster Vickster to know whose your elderly puppsters? Keep following the trail and this page till then.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Pratz the Brat And Random Rants - Simple anytime Gifts For any to many Occasions

 Hey there , Everyone so this new post is kinda what i do when i'm not with my puppster! My nickname is Pratz who tends to be a brat and does a lot of random acts! So here is one those Rants.....

Okay, just yesterday was father's day , a day before that was one of my friend's birthday and probably a day before was there must have been some occasion. With so many birthdays, holidays, parties, anniversaries etc. Its possible we forget some times to get them gifts, and sometimes we have no clue what to get. So here a  gifts simple and go with any occasion.

  1. Money: Really Really stumped on what to get the person? Why not let them buy it themselves? You can give them cash in the formal way or get them vouchers to where they shop and let them choose.
  2. Books: This one is my personal fav. Not only are they great , but come in varieties themselves. They help kids grow up, play and laugh, can help some one on that bookshelf they've been trying to build, or help them learn to cook their favorite cuisine . So just find out what their into and get 'em a book.
  3. Clothes: Another great item on this list. Have you noticed that cute lil dress your friend's into and can't buy it ? Well what else can be the perfect gift then? You can also give them a scarf, beanie, beret and lots more.                                                                          
  4. Cards and Flowers: Cards are always a great option when you really can't be there. Pair with a bunch of lovely flowers a send people that your still there and you still care and remember them. Plus these things also don't need any reason to be given you know.
  5. Jewelry: Okay so may not be the most affordable one on the list. But still one of the best ones out there. Getting jewelry especially something with their birthstone in it can impress them in more way than one.                                                                                  
  6. Anything handmade: Really living on tight budget then why not make something yourself? There are some really cool websites out there on crafts that you'll never run out of options! Or got some one who has a real sweet tooth then bake for them ! Can't take your girlfriend/boyfriend to that fancy restaurant then cook for them. There are ton of things you can do with the stuff you find at home.
So got an idea work on it and don't worry if the gifts get exchanged later on (i know the feeling bums me out too) but remember it's not the gift but the thought that counts. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Ickster Vickster - Who's your Puppster? 12 adorable Apartment pups

Us humans have vivid lifestyles, some of us have the big backyards where the dogs can run wild and some of live on the fifth floor apartments. Some of have 9 to 5 jobs, or stay at home people with kids or the Elderly. This post is for the ones who live in apartments, and are pet lovers, here are 12 pups who snuggle away with you on the sofa
Boston Terrier

Boston  Terrier :Known as "American Gentleman". These cute little puppies not only look good in their tiny suit like coat but are one of the most best apartment dogs. They are quiet, great at bonding , easily trainable and they just need moderate exercise. These cute little critters loves cuddling on the couch or even a walk around the block.

English Bulldog:  These medium sized pups are perfect for a lazy time anytime. Known for being lazy, lovable and loyal lugs they are also great with kids because they can be really patient with them plus an added bonus is that these pups don't need much grooming or exercise.

French Bulldog: These "Frenchies" who look like Boston terriers are quite similar to their English cousins, they are small ,light and lovable.The dogs are also sociable, keen, playful and easily trainable.

 Chihuahua: Well known for being known as "the diva dog". These dogs are lively, brave and devoted to their owners . They come in various shapes, sizes and kinds. But keep in mind they are pretty loud barkers , so think twice if your apartment walls are thin.

Dachshunds: These adorable little dogs are wonderful family dogs who could just fit in anywhere, they are really good with kids and are easily adaptable , playful and clever. Fair warning though they prone to obesity and can be noisy.

Great Dane:Think these big dogs are too big for your small apartments? Wrong ! These "Gentle Giants" are easily trainable, lovable,friendly and quiet. These giants are so good that sometimes you would hardly notice he there!They do have little behavioral problems though but will grow out of them.

Greyhound:Think this 45 kmph dog isn't good for an apartment lifestyle ? Think again these high speed dogs are calm and relaxed. They occasionally need exercise and are low on maintenance.
Pugs: These big eyed cutie aren't just chosen cause of their looks you know? Well kinda , these pups will never leave you alone and faithfully follow you around the whole day, although they are prone to breathing issues.

Yorkshire Terrier: These tiny adorable little toy pups can practically fit in anywhere. These pups are friendly and adaptable. Intelligent which makes them easy to train , but can get a little barky if they have nothing to do.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: About the same size of a Boston terrier , these fiercely adorable dogs are great for stay at home moms, since they don't like being left out. They are quiet, friendly and are great for adventures or a lazy day at home.
Pekingese:  These pups may not look cute to everyone, but are really great apartment dogs if you have 9 to 5 jobs because they aren't needy. They need exercise, but wouldn't mid sleeping with you all day. They are superb watchdogs, but due to their flat face they are prone to breathing issues.
Scottish Terrier: This dog is aloof to strangers but loves his family with all his heart. They do need a good walk and some tough toys, and are also high maintenance.
These 12 Puppsters have made the list in this post have any other pups in mind? If so let me know. Plus there will other articles of "Who's your puppster?" for which dogs are good for other lifestyles too.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The best days are with Friends

Hi, you know when people say that their college and school days were the best..... and we are like ya rite, try being in my institution. But we soon realize that how true that statement is. 

As soon as we get out of that particular ERA, we come to know what we are missing. 

I met my college friend today after a long time , it felt as if it was an era since we had fun or roamed and did something together. Remember the days of the college where we are always discussing about which movie to watch, or bunk the class, or celebrating the b'day of a friend or a lecturer in the class....

Taking random pictures, funny one's. But the best part of college or school is being with your friends.... these moments are the ones which you are gonna remember through out life. seeing those old pictures on your laptop just brings a smile on your face, even without you noticing. Remember when your friends surprised you with that b'day cake.

Remember the look on your face, the happiness that you felt. The cake throwing, the soft drinks, chips, samosas. Jumping around, chasing your friends on holi day at college. The mass bunk, the way we sneak out of the class so that none of your department people see you, But as soon as you are near the main gate that you notice that your HOD has seen you leave & you tell you friend "are yaar hum tho gaye, kaal woh haame maar dalege".

When you have got less marks in your test or exam there is always a friend who supports you & tells you that you will do better in the next one and not worry & you are better at it then you think. The smile they put on your face, the confidence they provide you to grow, their support..... Its the most important thing in life.  The all nighters for our exams the next day, where we only talk & study in the measurement of milligrams. The dumb fights we have for dumb reasons. Which last as long the break & then making up over some nice hot pavabhaji's & milkshakes.

We all need friends like that through out our Life, to support us, to give us confidence, to believe in us so that we can believe in ourselves. "A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND IN DEED" & its so true.......

  Remember that last outdoor trip you went with your friends, the jumping and dancing throughout the trip, taking a million photos, trying new food, buying loads of unnecessary things on the way. The ones you are never gonna use. But those moments are the best ones in our lives... these are the things which will put a smile on your face when you are down & blue.

We need our friends to get us through.... you may not realize it nor accept it, but its so true. We move on in life, some friends are left behind, some are lost and some we leave behind. We need them to tease us when our crush passes by, or that teacher we hate so much. Everyone we meet in life are not our friends, the one's who stand beside through thick & thin are the one's you can count on. NEVER EVER let them go.

We need them when we are happy, sad or any other emotion we are feeling, we need someone to share them with. As they say friends are jewels, keep them safe.........

Enjoy your days of studying, you are never gonna get it back & make them worth while.  

Thursday, June 5, 2014

WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY : Simple ways to Save Earth

"They grip their ground and face season's round, trees don't walk but they do talk and sing and dance in the wind, If you listen long enough, they will tell you where you are, and tell how long they have stood and how glad they are not to be wood."

Happy world environment day to one and all. This year's theme for Eco day is "Small Islands and Climate Change, with the official slogan : "Raise Your Voice Not The Sea Level." With this slogan the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) aims to help small island nations who are usually remote. This remoteness has resulted in their heavy import duties. They are also vulnerable to many climatic change disasters. In compliance with the theme the hosting country is : BARBADOS a small Caribbean island Nation.

This day has a basic principle of saving and protecting the environment around us, the FIRST Eco Day was celebrated on June 5th 1973, since then it has received great publicity, support and appreciation from people all over the world. Even last year and years before that many have even created anthems regarding this day.

People of all ages, around the world have their own way of celebrating some grand as going on rallies to spread awareness, while some others by themselves switching off the lights, fans or TV's for awhile. Whatever you do today does count, even if its small , even if you can't do it as much as before, always remember little changes done by aren't little at all.

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for, We are the change that we seek."- President Barack Obama

If after reading this or watching, or reading, or listening to something else makes you feel like you want to do something too but you ain't in the mood to plant trees (which is done like ALOT today) then there are simpler things to do like:

1. Check your water consumption. turn off a leaky or running tap anywhere you see, this can save loads of water, since an average person can waste up to 200 gallons a day.

2. Leave the Car at home or Carpool. You get exercise, you get to hangout with your buddies from work, you save your fuel money to buy something you wanted, isn't it great?

3. Reuse. Reduce And Recycle. Separate your trash, put them in different bins. You can use your organic waste as fertilizers to your gardens, your plastic bottles can be made into many things (Even jeans Apparently!). Everything has a use even after being used.

4. Turn off Or Switch your lights. The most simplest thing anyone can do. Switch off lights or any electronic devices when not in use, helps the environment , helps your pocket too.Switch your lights to CFL which may kind of be expensive but its really bright, saves energy and plus one CFL light can reduce the pollution of one million cars!!!!

5. Cut your paper. You save loads of trees by using paper wisely. Print on both sides of the paper instead of one, recycle newspaper,pay bills online, check your bank statement online. You save your time and your paper.

There loads of other stuff you could too , like plant a tree, raise awareness, buy local products, taking shorter showers, donating old mobile phones or other stuff and help not only Earth but others as well.

"The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved."- Richard Rogers.

So get involved and Stay green!!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Ickster Vickster - 6 month pupster

Sister Sister - Ickster Vickster- How to survive the first week with your new puppy?

As mentioned in the before article about little Vicki , well here are few tips or steps that we followed in order to get our puppy to be comfortable in the new environment.

\(a) Puppy proofing your room

since the pup is just a month / 2 months old, he/ she will not have that much of a bladder control. so we suggest that you use waste plastic sheets or papers to cover his room floor. so that cleaning would be easy.

(b) Two heads are better than one

Itz bit hard for a single person to handle the pup all by themselves, so you will need all the help you can get. well its all about making your pup comfortable & making him/her feel at home. Oh one more thing..... get ready to sacrifice your sleep (the more the merrier).

(c) The days and the NIGHTS

Puppies are like new born babies, they also need the utmost care & affection. Well don't expect your puppy adjust to you as soon as you get him. Remember  he has spent his life till now playing with his brothers & sisters and has always been beside his mum. So of-course he is gonna realize that they are missing.

Do trust me when i tell you this, there will be a lot of waking up in the middle of the night, changing his papers, feeding him, his crying (and its a LOT LOT). But don't forget that he is your responsibility now.
And now all of sudden he is in a strange place with strange people, well obviously he will get scared at night & starts calling to them. He might howl, bark or even bite you when you are trying to comfort him.

So here are a couple of things that we did to calm our little darling down.

Well during the day taking care is kinda easy, the young pup eats at-least 7 times per day. So always keep his food at the ready. He'll play with you, but mostly he'll just sleep.

So here comes the NIGHT & along with comes the tough task of calming your pup.
If you are putting your pup in your bed with you there might be less of the howling, but we do not suggest that. Instead of that trying giving your pup some space where he can walk around at night when gets up (which he will)..

(1) He will have trouble sleeping at nights, because, as we told you he is used to sleeping with his mum & his siblings. You can substitute the body heat by filling up an water bottle with hot water & wrapping it with a fuzzy cloth around it. Put it beside your puppy, it will comfort him.

(2) Try music, there are loads of puppy music available on You-tube, which can be played to clam him down (they do work beautifully).

(3) ALWAYS KEEP HIS FOOD & WATER AT THE READY. If he is not falling asleep by the above methods then he is probably hungry (A puppy whose tummy is full is a happy puppy).

There are a lot of support groups online which will help you through the first week, i'm listing a few which we used
(a) www.dogster.com
(b) www.thedailypuppy.com

P.S : Don't forget some air freshener. Best of luck!!!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sister Sister - Ickster Vickster

You know how they say that "Pets are a joy of life" & you must have one...... well hey we are all up to the thing i.e., the joy, love, the cuteness of the puppy.... playing with the puppy etc.... we always dreamed of getting a puppy ourselves , as we are great FANS of dogs. They are all that and much more & now we are proud sisters of our little lovely Puppster......... who just turned 6 months.......

Well we got a cute little adorable devilish darling  and above all a ICKSTER.,.....("we ain't lying a bit" ).

Like almost all sisters we decided to shifts, Joey (elder sister-sister) took the morning and I myself Pratz (lil sister-sister) took the night ............ little did i know i was the one walking to the pound .

The Ickster Vickster was brought home in the evening and basically slept through, just occasionally getting up to  pee,poop, eat and drink. HERE and literally UP till here was what i literally thought was gonna happen throughout the night, and then night befell and i literally felt as though all sanity and sanctity of the night was lost.

The first night , we thought it was better to let him sleep in my room (Pratz) and to which i merrily agreed not knowing what was about to happen. The whole night was nothing but filled with howling, peeing and pooping. After awhile he fell asleep , leaving me sleepless. So got about to go online and tried to find out more about this behavior...... i scanned through the Google results found a website to which i read "got a new puppy? welcome to hell !"  and i heard Vicki as if on cue howling at me (Pratz ain't lying here). The cycle repeated throughout the night and as soon as day broke I rushed to Joey's room dumped Vicki left to find peace with my bed.

Restless nights continued throughout the week.... after that he completely became our little  adorable devilish darling.......... Now he is our little "PUPPY".