Hi, you know when people say that their college and school days were the best..... and we are like ya rite, try being in my institution. But we soon realize that how true that statement is.
As soon as we get out of that particular ERA, we come to know what we are missing.
I met my college friend today after a long time , it felt as if it was an era since we had fun or roamed and did something together. Remember the days of the college where we are always discussing about which movie to watch, or bunk the class, or celebrating the b'day of a friend or a lecturer in the class....
Taking random pictures, funny one's. But the best part of college or school is being with your friends.... these moments are the ones which you are gonna remember through out life. seeing those old pictures on your laptop just brings a smile on your face, even without you noticing. Remember when your friends surprised you with that b'day cake.
Remember the look on your face, the happiness that you felt. The cake throwing, the soft drinks, chips, samosas. Jumping around, chasing your friends on holi day at college. The mass bunk, the way we sneak out of the class so that none of your department people see you, But as soon as you are near the main gate that you notice that your HOD has seen you leave & you tell you friend "are yaar hum tho gaye, kaal woh haame maar dalege".
When you have got less marks in your test or exam there is always a friend who supports you & tells you that you will do better in the next one and not worry & you are better at it then you think. The smile they put on your face, the confidence they provide you to grow, their support..... Its the most important thing in life. The all nighters for our exams the next day, where we only talk & study in the measurement of milligrams. The dumb fights we have for dumb reasons. Which last as long the break & then making up over some nice hot pavabhaji's & milkshakes.
We all need friends like that through out our Life, to support us, to give us confidence, to believe in us so that we can believe in ourselves. "A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND IN DEED" & its so true.......
Remember that last outdoor trip you went with your friends, the jumping and dancing throughout the trip, taking a million photos, trying new food, buying loads of unnecessary things on the way. The ones you are never gonna use. But those moments are the best ones in our lives... these are the things which will put a smile on your face when you are down & blue.
We need our friends to get us through.... you may not realize it nor accept it, but its so true. We move on in life, some friends are left behind, some are lost and some we leave behind. We need them to tease us when our crush passes by, or that teacher we hate so much. Everyone we meet in life are not our friends, the one's who stand beside through thick & thin are the one's you can count on. NEVER EVER let them go.
We need them when we are happy, sad or any other emotion we are feeling, we need someone to share them with. As they say friends are jewels, keep them safe.........
Enjoy your days of studying, you are never gonna get it back & make them worth while.
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