Friday, June 13, 2014

Ickster Vickster - Who's your Puppster? 12 adorable Apartment pups

Us humans have vivid lifestyles, some of us have the big backyards where the dogs can run wild and some of live on the fifth floor apartments. Some of have 9 to 5 jobs, or stay at home people with kids or the Elderly. This post is for the ones who live in apartments, and are pet lovers, here are 12 pups who snuggle away with you on the sofa
Boston Terrier

Boston  Terrier :Known as "American Gentleman". These cute little puppies not only look good in their tiny suit like coat but are one of the most best apartment dogs. They are quiet, great at bonding , easily trainable and they just need moderate exercise. These cute little critters loves cuddling on the couch or even a walk around the block.

English Bulldog:  These medium sized pups are perfect for a lazy time anytime. Known for being lazy, lovable and loyal lugs they are also great with kids because they can be really patient with them plus an added bonus is that these pups don't need much grooming or exercise.

French Bulldog: These "Frenchies" who look like Boston terriers are quite similar to their English cousins, they are small ,light and lovable.The dogs are also sociable, keen, playful and easily trainable.

 Chihuahua: Well known for being known as "the diva dog". These dogs are lively, brave and devoted to their owners . They come in various shapes, sizes and kinds. But keep in mind they are pretty loud barkers , so think twice if your apartment walls are thin.

Dachshunds: These adorable little dogs are wonderful family dogs who could just fit in anywhere, they are really good with kids and are easily adaptable , playful and clever. Fair warning though they prone to obesity and can be noisy.

Great Dane:Think these big dogs are too big for your small apartments? Wrong ! These "Gentle Giants" are easily trainable, lovable,friendly and quiet. These giants are so good that sometimes you would hardly notice he there!They do have little behavioral problems though but will grow out of them.

Greyhound:Think this 45 kmph dog isn't good for an apartment lifestyle ? Think again these high speed dogs are calm and relaxed. They occasionally need exercise and are low on maintenance.
Pugs: These big eyed cutie aren't just chosen cause of their looks you know? Well kinda , these pups will never leave you alone and faithfully follow you around the whole day, although they are prone to breathing issues.

Yorkshire Terrier: These tiny adorable little toy pups can practically fit in anywhere. These pups are friendly and adaptable. Intelligent which makes them easy to train , but can get a little barky if they have nothing to do.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: About the same size of a Boston terrier , these fiercely adorable dogs are great for stay at home moms, since they don't like being left out. They are quiet, friendly and are great for adventures or a lazy day at home.
Pekingese:  These pups may not look cute to everyone, but are really great apartment dogs if you have 9 to 5 jobs because they aren't needy. They need exercise, but wouldn't mid sleeping with you all day. They are superb watchdogs, but due to their flat face they are prone to breathing issues.
Scottish Terrier: This dog is aloof to strangers but loves his family with all his heart. They do need a good walk and some tough toys, and are also high maintenance.
These 12 Puppsters have made the list in this post have any other pups in mind? If so let me know. Plus there will other articles of "Who's your puppster?" for which dogs are good for other lifestyles too.

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