"They grip their ground and face season's round, trees don't walk but they do talk and sing and dance in the wind, If you listen long enough, they will tell you where you are, and tell how long they have stood and how glad they are not to be wood."
Happy world environment day to one and all. This year's theme for Eco day is "Small Islands and Climate Change, with the official slogan : "Raise Your Voice Not The Sea Level." With this slogan the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) aims to help small island nations who are usually remote. This remoteness has resulted in their heavy import duties. They are also vulnerable to many climatic change disasters. In compliance with the theme the hosting country is : BARBADOS a small Caribbean island Nation.
This day has a basic principle of saving and protecting the environment around us, the FIRST Eco Day was celebrated on June 5th 1973, since then it has received great publicity, support and appreciation from people all over the world. Even last year and years before that many have even created anthems regarding this day.
People of all ages, around the world have their own way of celebrating some grand as going on rallies to spread awareness, while some others by themselves switching off the lights, fans or TV's for awhile. Whatever you do today does count, even if its small , even if you can't do it as much as before, always remember little changes done by aren't little at all.
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for, We are the change that we seek."- President Barack Obama
If after reading this or watching, or reading, or listening to something else makes you feel like you want to do something too but you ain't in the mood to plant trees (which is done like ALOT today) then there are simpler things to do like:
1. Check your water consumption. turn off a leaky or running tap anywhere you see, this can save loads of water, since an average person can waste up to 200 gallons a day.
2. Leave the Car at home or Carpool. You get exercise, you get to hangout with your buddies from work, you save your fuel money to buy something you wanted, isn't it great?
3. Reuse. Reduce And Recycle. Separate your trash, put them in different bins. You can use your organic waste as fertilizers to your gardens, your plastic bottles can be made into many things (Even jeans Apparently!). Everything has a use even after being used.
4. Turn off Or Switch your lights. The most simplest thing anyone can do. Switch off lights or any electronic devices when not in use, helps the environment , helps your pocket too.Switch your lights to CFL which may kind of be expensive but its really bright, saves energy and plus one CFL light can reduce the pollution of one million cars!!!!
5. Cut your paper. You save loads of trees by using paper wisely. Print on both sides of the paper instead of one, recycle newspaper,pay bills online, check your bank statement online. You save your time and your paper.
There loads of other stuff you could too , like plant a tree, raise awareness, buy local products, taking shorter showers, donating old mobile phones or other stuff and help not only Earth but others as well.
"The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved."- Richard Rogers.
So get involved and Stay green!!!!
Happy world environment day to one and all. This year's theme for Eco day is "Small Islands and Climate Change, with the official slogan : "Raise Your Voice Not The Sea Level." With this slogan the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) aims to help small island nations who are usually remote. This remoteness has resulted in their heavy import duties. They are also vulnerable to many climatic change disasters. In compliance with the theme the hosting country is : BARBADOS a small Caribbean island Nation.
This day has a basic principle of saving and protecting the environment around us, the FIRST Eco Day was celebrated on June 5th 1973, since then it has received great publicity, support and appreciation from people all over the world. Even last year and years before that many have even created anthems regarding this day.
People of all ages, around the world have their own way of celebrating some grand as going on rallies to spread awareness, while some others by themselves switching off the lights, fans or TV's for awhile. Whatever you do today does count, even if its small , even if you can't do it as much as before, always remember little changes done by aren't little at all.
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for, We are the change that we seek."- President Barack Obama
If after reading this or watching, or reading, or listening to something else makes you feel like you want to do something too but you ain't in the mood to plant trees (which is done like ALOT today) then there are simpler things to do like:
1. Check your water consumption. turn off a leaky or running tap anywhere you see, this can save loads of water, since an average person can waste up to 200 gallons a day.
2. Leave the Car at home or Carpool. You get exercise, you get to hangout with your buddies from work, you save your fuel money to buy something you wanted, isn't it great?
3. Reuse. Reduce And Recycle. Separate your trash, put them in different bins. You can use your organic waste as fertilizers to your gardens, your plastic bottles can be made into many things (Even jeans Apparently!). Everything has a use even after being used.
4. Turn off Or Switch your lights. The most simplest thing anyone can do. Switch off lights or any electronic devices when not in use, helps the environment , helps your pocket too.Switch your lights to CFL which may kind of be expensive but its really bright, saves energy and plus one CFL light can reduce the pollution of one million cars!!!!
5. Cut your paper. You save loads of trees by using paper wisely. Print on both sides of the paper instead of one, recycle newspaper,pay bills online, check your bank statement online. You save your time and your paper.

"The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved."- Richard Rogers.
So get involved and Stay green!!!!
Well said.., but people will only understand when there are effects of what they have done to their own mother earth.., hail mother earth